Easter Eggs

This section contains spoilers which could ruin the game for you if you have not played it before, or have not yet reached the end.

This may contain spoilers from the other Myst games.

An Easter Egg is a hidden feature that creators put in their products for people to find. It can range from images to sounds or movie clips which are hidden to some degree. Other Easter Eggs are easy to find and can be seen during the course of a game, others are harder to locate and may require specific requirements to find them out.

An Easter Egg is a hidden feature that creators put in their products for people to find. It can range from images to sounds or movie clips which are hidden to some degree. Other Easter Eggs are easy to find and can be seen during the course of a game, others are harder to locate and may require specific requirements to find them out.

Children in Passage

Children in Passage

Upon the right hand side of the first screen upon entering the secret passage to the Gate Room, you can see the three daughters of Rand Miller; Kinslee, Kerryn and Kara. This egg can only be seen when the doorway to the Gate Room (the gold rotating room) is not blocked.

Children in Cliff Side

Children in Cliff Side

This egg is only available after Cho has been moved, if you look over the side of the cliff then up in the top left corner you will see two children. They are Alex and Grace, children of Robyn Miller.

Children in the Rocks

Children in Cliff Side

At the start of the game upon leaving the Link in chamber turn left and look up. On the bottom of the screen you will see the two daughters of Richard van der Wende, Helen and Evelyn. These images were put there by Richard himself and are the best hidden of the three groups of children.

The Face in the Book

Face in the Book

When Atrus holds up the Riven Linking book to you, a face (see above) can be seen in the Linking panel roughly six times. Who’s face this is, is unknown along with the purpose of it being there.

RAWA’s signature


By the Mag-lev station on the Temple Island you can find the letters RAWA printed on the rock (see above). The signature belongs to Richard A. Watson, Riven’s lead programmer and D’ni Historian. Richard said he put the letters there himself and mentioned others might have put theirs in as well but he doesn’t know who.



The name Alex can be found in the top left corner of the screen when standing at the ladder that leads to the circular trapdoor on the Book Making Island. Robyn Miller confirmed that Alex is in fact the name of one of his children who wandered into his office whilst he was retouching some images.

The Mirage

The Mirage

While you are unlocking the Click Spots for the 5 Hidden Eggs (description below), you will find that something isn’t quite right. Having taken the sub to the Bridge Control Room on the Jungle Island, look out of the little window. you will see that the sub appeared to be back at its starting place upon the top of the cliff by the village.

The Big 5 Eggs

The Big 5 Eggs are the ones that are really hidden in the game and need to be unlocked through certain steps, this involves clicking on certain points in the following order;

  1. The orange egg in the drawer in Gehn’s lab on Crater Island.
  2. The bowl in Tay.
  3. The sub seen from the Bridge Controlling Room on Jungle Island.
  4. The star on the Golden elevator on Spike Island.
  5. The small RAWA text on the Temple Island Maglev dock.

To see the eggs yourself you need to proceed to the places described below.

Silly Putty

Silly Putty

This is a movie that can be accessed at Gehn’s Underwater Throne on the Survey Island. Sit in the chair and press the button to face the window, pull the left hand lever and then look at the screen. You will now need to click the little round, brown bolt that is just off to the right of the screen.

The movie is a splice of two old commercials, the first is from the late 60’s for a cologne called “Hai Karate”. It shows a mild manners guy putting on the cologne and his date goes wild. The ending shows him trying to save himself from her. The actress is Valerie Leon, who stared in the old “Carry On” films.

The second part is a Silly Putty commercial from the 1950’s. The Easter Egg was made by Michael Sheets, it came about from him working on the movies for the scopes in the Underwater Throne room. He needed to test the filter and effects of the scope and so he used the commercial that he had on a CD.

Gehn’s Opera

Gehn's Opera

Another movie egg in which Gehn (John Keston) shows us one of his hidden talents. To access it click the center of the star on the hanging in his bedroom on the 233rd Age. Gehn walking in and starts singing the first verse of ‘O Sole Mio;

Che bella cosa e’ na jurnata ‘e sole,
n’aria serena doppo na tempesta!
Pe’ll’aria fresca pare gia’ na festa…
Che bella cosa na jurnata ‘e sole.

Richard Watson told us that when the filming for Gehn’s speech was going on, John Keston suddenly burst into song whilst the camera’s were still rolling. They decided to keep it in as an ester egg because it was so good.

The Wire-frame Jungle

Wire-frame Jungle

This easter egg can be found by the village on the Jungle Island. To get to it walk from the place where you first find the sub towards the hut where you can knock on the door, when you are looking down the ladder turn right, you will see the view as a wire-frame model instead of the textured view.

A Walk in the Sky

Sky Walking

To view this egg you will need to head to the Wahrk totem elevator on the Jungle Island. Take the elevator all the way up and walk past the dome towards the Gallows control room. When you reach the middle of the stairs turn towards the dome. On the path underneath you will see some light by the side of the path, click the one furthest away from the dome to see the egg.

The Christmas Egg

Christmas Egg

To view this festive egg you will need to stand at the door between the Temple and the Mag-lev station (as close to the Mag-lev station as possible). Click on the second lamp on the left to see a festive Temple.