Journals & Notes
This section contains spoilers which could ruin the game for you if you have not played it before, or have not yet reached the end.
This may contain spoilers from the other Myst games.
- Channelwood Age Journal – Located: Myst Island, Library bookshelf.
- Fireplace Journal – Located: Myst Island, Library bookshelf.
- Mechanical Age Journal – Located: Myst Island, Library bookshelf.
- Selenitic Age Journal – Located: Myst Island, Library bookshelf.
- Stoneship Age Journal – Located: Myst Island, Library bookshelf.
- Atrus’ Note to Catherine – Located: Myst Island, floor outside observatory.
- Achenar’s Note to Sirrus – Located: Mechanical Age, Sirrus’ hidden room.
- Vault Note 1st Half – Located: Stoneship Age, Achenar’s room, chest of drawers.
- Vault Note 2nd Half – Located: Channelwood Age, Sirrus’ room, drawer under the bed.