- Cyan. IncOfficial website of Cyan. Inc.
- MystOfficial Myst website.
- Myst Online: Uru LiveOfficial Myst Online: Uru Live website and forums. Inc.
- ObductionOfficial Obduction website.
- Guild of ArchivistsFormally known as the D’ni Pedia Writers Ring.
- Guild of CartographersMapping the Cavern and its Ages.
- Guild of GreetersProviding in cavern assistance and information.
- Guild of MaintainersProviding assistance with testing Ages and tutorials.
- Guild of MessengersCommunity news and info.
- Guild of WritersUru content creation and development community
Discord Servers
- CyanDiscordDiscord server replacement for the old Cyan Chat.
- Myst & ObductionCommunity discord server with hint channels for all games.
- Mysterium LoungeMysterium Discord channel.
- Starry ExpanseDiscord channel for the Starry Expanse project
Facebook Groups/Pages
- The Ages of DoobesFollow Doobes’ Age creation projects and progress.
- Beneath: Ages of TweekFollow Tweek’s Age creation projects and progress.
- Cavern Blood Runs DeepCelebrating 25 Years of Myst.
- Firmament Fan GroupCommunity group for Cyan’s Firmament game.
- Myst Lovers Unite!General community group for Myst fans and fans of Cyan’s games in general.
- Myst Online: Uru Live (again)Myst Online community group, good source of news for community events.
Fan Sites
- BeneathIn Character D’ni archive & journal of time in the D’ni cavern.
- D’ni DictionaryGreat resource for D’ni language and words.
- D’ni Explorers GuildCommunity site for explorers of the D’ni cavern.
- The Great TreeUru’s original Bad Boys…and girls.
- The Lost Library of D’niCollection of D’ni lore and theories by LarryF.
- MysteriumAnnual Myst fan convention.
- Myst JournalsClaire “Shoomlah” Hummel’s fantastic handwritten Myst journals.
- Myst JourneyAn ‘all things Myst’ site, covering all aspects of the entire video game series.
- Mystic PlacesMyst inspired locations and images authored by Claire “Shoomlah” Hummel.
- Rel.toGreat collection of links to various parts of the community.
- Uru ObsessionUpon a time UO was one of the largest community sites.