Ages & Areas
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Written By: Atrus
Behind the cover of the Blue Book lies Haven, a diverse Age teeming with wildlife. The Age ranges from rocky shores to tropical forests and boasts a huge ship standing on end near the link in point.
Haven served as the Prison Age for Achenar after his betrayal towards his parents along with his brother Sirrus [see: Myst]. Attracted by the ship and the wealth it could contain Achenar Linked to Haven to investigate, it would seem it took him a while to realize he was in fact trapped on the Age. Over the years Achenar hunted a lot of the wildlife to extinction or near extinction, his already unbalanced mind seemed to spiral further into madness before his reformation. It seems that his exploits with the animals known as Mangree’s (a sort of monkey like creature) turned Achenar around. Haven was the Age Yeesha fled too when Sirrus escaped, by breaking into the Age after her he let Achenar free.
Written By: Catherine
Serenia is a very spiritual Age of great natural beauty. The Age boasts clear skies with fresh water weaving through a great forest of stone before joining a crystal lake. Serenia is home to 6 women that serve as Protectors, they tend the temple and memory chambers on an island separated from the rest of the village. The Memory Chamber stores the memories of their ancestors, by using spirit guides of either Water, Air or Fire the Protectors travel into a realm they call Dream to consult with their ancestors.
It would seem all of Atrus’ children had visited the Age at one point or another to meet the people and learn the culture, the last of these being Yeesha of course. Serenia served as a big part of Sirrus and Achenar’s plan back during the days they were plundering the Ages of Myst [see: Myst].
Written By: Atrus
Spire is a dark, grim and stark Age, one of the two Prison Ages written by Atrus to trap greedy explorers. The Age actually orbits a huge green sphere that emits a strong magnetic field keeping the Age and its splintered rocks afloat. The Age is sparse for vegetation and wildlife, what little plantation there is comes in the form of kind of “pod” plants that Sirrus used for nourishment.
Spire served as the Prison of Sirrus for several decades, before he managed to escape from utilizing the natural resources of the Age. The Age is littered with examples of his genius ranging from electronics to ships made of rock.
Written By: Ri’Neref
Tomahna is the name given to Atrus, Catherine’s and Yeesha’s new home that Atrus built upon the surface after the events of Terahnee [see: Book of D’ni]. Having given the survivors of D’ni a new home (Releeshahn), Atrus turned his attention back to his family.
Tomahna is located on the surface of Earth in New Mexico a few miles away from The Cleft, high up in the hills. A horse-shoe shaped valley is home to a small lake and waterfalls, the cliff faces dotted with buildings that form the home of Atrus and Catherine. The home was witness to the destructive force of Sirrus after he managed to escape Spire to continue with the plans he and Achenar started several decades earlier [see: Myst IV Revelation]. As far as we are aware the damage was repaired and it continued to serve as home to Atrus and Catherine until Catherine’s death.