Ages & Areas

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The Cleft

The Cleft

Written By: Ri’Neref

The Cleft used to be a way station for Anna and her father during their long journeys out into the New Mexico desert. However after The Fall of D’ni, Anna emerged from the Tunnels at the Cleft with her son Gehn [see: Book of Ti’ana]. Here she made her home and went on to raise Atrus prior to his journey to D’ni

Recently The Cleft has served as the gateway to D’ni for the explorers who felt the call. The Cleft and its surrounding land was purchased by Elias Zandi who passed it on to his son Jeff Zandi when he died.



Written By: Ri’Neref

Decent is the general name given to The Great Shaft and the tunnels leading to D’ni. The tunnels were a project of the Guild of Surveyors for a number of years before concept of The Great Shaft arose. Wanting to reach the surface quicker the D’ni decided to tunnel straight up instead of at an angle.

However after a massive earthquake the project to reach the surface was abandoned and the tunnels were sealed up until recently when people have started using them again.



Written By: Unknown

Direbo is a rest Age, a swampy place with a forest of tall rock columns, mushrooms and many different insect species.

The Linking Book for the Age was located in the Eder Tomahn (Rest Houses) along the path from the surface to D’ni, allowing citizens to rest along the long journey, however as to why the books are situated on the Nexus pedestals remain to be seen. With the freeing of the Bahro through Yeesha’s initial journey the Age became home to four “Takes”, strange bubbles where Ages overlap which hold slates used for the quest to free the Tablet.



Written By: Ri’Neref

K’veer was once the mansion island of Lord Rakeri and his son Lord Veovis, during the time leading up to The Fall of D’ni it was the base of Veovis and A’Gaeris. Later it became the home of Gehn, father of Atrus.

During Atrus’ rebellion against his fathers twisted view of The Art. Gehn locked his son in one of the oldest rooms on the island, it served as Atrus prison once agian many years later when his own sons betrayed him.

With the help of the people of Averone, Atrus was able to escape the room and venture back out into D’ni.



Written By: Unknown

Laki’ahn was a sport Age, the people of D’ni would come to the great arena and watch the Ages native people, The Kresh, do battle with Laki. Laki are a large whale like animal from which the Age takes its name, the Laki would be killed for the gems in its stomachs. The gems would then be bartered for by the D’ni people.

It is unknown what became of the Kresh after The Fall of D’ni, Esher seems to believe that they returned to their “Barbaric ways”. This is however a biased view on his behalf as Esher possessed the same racist attributes the other D’ni people had.



Written By: Ti’ana (Anna)

Myst was written by Atrus’ grandmother Ti’ana during the events that were unfolding on Riven [see: Book of Atrus]. The Age served as a haven for Atrus and his family for many years until his sons betrayal. A hub between all the Ages Atrus wrote it later became a sore memory of the events that transpired between the family and their sons betrayal.

After 250 years left untouched Myst fell into dis-repair its only visitor the D’ni archivist Esher



Written By: Unknown

Noloben is a beautiful island age of sandy beaches and green topped cliffs, home to all manner of wildlife from birds to snakes.
Noloben was a home of the Bahro, housing their trademark domed caves. But during The Fall of D’ni a D’ni Archivist called Esher fled to the Age to avoid death. He was not welcomed by the Bahro, and so Esher was forced to kill several of the Bahro in order to learn their secrets, making his lab in their home. The Bahro are now afraid of their former home and avoid it at all costs.



Written By: Atrus

Releeshahn (D’ni for The Whole) was written by Atrus after the events of Terahnee [see: Book of D’ni] for the D’ni survivors of The Fall.

The Age has sweeping plains and rich green mountains, with a rainbow that seems to never fade that the D’ni call The Bow. Three tall metal spires rise up from the Age, 2 of these known as Atrus and Catherine. The Age was very nearly destroyed when the Descriptive Book for the Age was stolen by Saavedro [see: Myst III Exile] however it was safely returned.



Written By: Unknown

Tahgira was once a Prison Age of D’ni, a cold desolate place of snow and glaciers.

When D’ni fell the Ages inhabitants died with it, showing us what D’ni tombs may have looked like. It now serves as a lesson in D’ni history and host to the Keep that housed the Bahro Tablet.



Written By: Unknown

Todelmer is a D’ni Museum Age that was first mentioned on the DRC website. The Age is in fact a moon that orbits a vast ringed planet. The moon’s environment is very similar to a planet, it has a breathable atmosphere, plant-life and water all of which are dotted with vast spires of rock that house various telescopic equipment.

Todelmer was a place to study the heavens, amazingly in orbit around the planet that Todelmer orbits is a pod unlike that of Negilahn. The various telescopes are connected to a central room that allow the D’ni to remote control the scopes. It is possible to actually manipulate time in the Age by using one of the Bahro Slates.